

The Internet was first blackboard introduced by the US Defense Department in 1969 through the Advanced Researc: Project Agency (ARPA) pioneered a system of ARPANET network which later became the forerunner of the Internet. ARPANET computer network used by the University of California, Stanford resear. % I Institute and the University of Utah for research purposes.

2. In September 1971 the terminal interface processor installed on the ARPANET. And allows terminals connected directly to Arpan ET for the first time.
3. In 1972 ARPANET converted into DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Proiect Agency).
4. In the 1980s the Internet began to be used on a limited basis to connect several leading universities in America.
5. In 1982 the standard protocol TCP / IP was introduced.
6. In 1984, the domain name system into use.
7. In 1984 ARPANET split into two networks, namely the MILNET (to serve the needs of the military) and the ARPANET (for research purposes).
8. In 1986 built Scienc Foundation Network (SFNET) which replaced the ARPANET as a research network in America, then some international networks in several countries began to be built and connected with SFNET. ARPANET was disbanded in 1990.
9. At first the information obtained from the Internet only text-based information later in 1992 CERN developing services-based World Wide Web (WWW).
10. In 1993 InteNIC established to serve the domain name registration. k. Beginning in 1994 the Internet began to be used in Indonesia. In 1995 internet users in Indonesia reached 10,000 people, this number increased in 1997.
11. In 2001, according to a survey conducted by the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) of Internet users has reached 2.1 million people. In 2004 the number of internet users in Indonesia reached 4.2 million people in 2005 and an estimated 5 million people

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